Our Big Sur Travel Guide is up today! #travel #california #bigsur http://thefreshexchangeblog.com/2015/06/big-sur-the-travel-guide // RT @Fresh_Exchange
Finally figuring something out that you’ve had on your mind for months #happydance #htaccessprobs #nerdalert #thankyouJesus
“Most of us are addicted to words. The soul desperately needs to learn a communion without words.” – Plass & Cofield // RT @bobthune
# of followers or likes is no indicator of how great your work is. Create unique things relentlessly. // RT @rogie
“There is victory in my Saviors loss
And in the crimson flowing from the cross
Pour over me” @Lauren_Daigle
There’s something about the work of @nilsfrahm that is exactly what my ears need to hear. I’ll listen to Screws over 90% of mainstream music
Really interesting and informative scrolling behavior on the site for @harewoodestate http://www.harewoodestate.com.au // RT @emmajemm
I wish @mint would give me a badge every time they email saying I’ve spent $0 for the week #lifeonabudget